Hi there!
This is my story

Jenny Simone is a 27-year-old professional influencer who enjoys running, fashion, walking, and theatre. She is famous and eccentric but can also be very jealous and a bit picky. Jenny lives in Florida. She started studying sports science at college but never finished the course. She has a severe phobia of crocodiles and is obsessed with bottled water. She is currently single. She has been a staunch vegan for five years and loves Greek salad. Open to new experiences, partnerships, and collaborations.

My Collabs ·


24 de abril de 2023

Logotipo vs. Isotipo: ¿Cuál es la diferencia?

El logotipo y el isotipo son dos términos que a menudo se utilizan indistintamente en el mundo del diseño gráfico y la publicidad. Sin embargo, aunque ambos…

19 de abril de 2023

Cómo las redes sociales pueden ayudar a tu negocio

En la era digital en la que vivimos, las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta fundamental para el crecimiento de un negocio. Con miles de…